Our Mission is to lead small businesses into strategies that produce long term successful results
Why All Businesses Need a CFO
Big Businesses Have CFOs to:
- Track profit and cash flow
- Analyze the financial strengths and weaknesses
- Propose Corrective Actions
All Businesses Need Someone to:
- Track profit and cash flow
- Analyze the financial strengths and weaknesses
- Propose Corrective Actions
The Five Challenges Facing Most Business Owners
- Business owners are already working as hard as they can
- If they take a day off, their business doesn’t run as smoothly
- They’re working incredibly hard with little to show
- Their employees are typically making more money than the owner
(with much less risk, stress, and work) - The owner feels like they are on a hamster wheel going 90-mph;
they’re tired and overworked but they’re afraid to get off that wheel for
fear of their business falling apart
What Business Owners Are Looking For
Someone they trust to tell them what to do to have a growing and more profitable business.
At Gunderson's CFO & Bookkeeping we understand your entire business from a strategic standpoint and a financial standpoint and can help guide you toward having a growing and more profitable business.
Our Finance, Operations & Strategy Self-Assessment will open your eyes to gaps in your program. It is well worth the 10 minutes to fill out.
Is Your Business Ready to Scale Up?
Your Business is as Important to Us as it is to YOU